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Pottering April 12, 2009

Posted by blith3 in Ramblings.

Since we moved into our ‘new’ old house (same lot but significantly renovated till it might as well be considered a new house), my family and I have pretty much neglected the few surviving potted plants that make up our garden. Naturally, after 14 months of being left on their own, our plants were in dire need of being weeded, trimmed, repotted and fertilised. Here is one of three bonsai trees my family owns.






What a difference, huh?

Anyway, 8 ceramic and 4 small plastic pots, a washed up porch, 2 cleaned dogs (yes…for the temporary moment, I have 2 dogs in my house, but that’s for another entry) and 7 hours later, I’m glad to announce that my family house looks much neater from the outside. 

As for my room…hmmm…here’s hoping inspiration will strike again! 😀


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