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Seasons in the Sun May 31, 2009

Posted by blith3 in Ramblings.
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While I’d like to think that I’m a wonderful multi-tasker, when it comes to family – be it immediate or extended – I admit I drop everything else. I can always reschedule to fit my family…everything, I have been reminded in the past couple of weeks, except for the course of life and death. 

It’s been two weeks since my cousin sister, a cancer patient, was initially warded into a hospital. Two weeks of spending my entire day at work, living like all was well, followed by solemn nightly prayer sessions, family dinners, phone calls and online researching centered to assist her with this fight of her life. It’s been a tiring juggling act, but also one that would not last for long.

No matter how well one expertly manages one’s schedule, as the days stretch, this thing called ‘life’ has forced this schizophrenic-inspired routine to increasing meld into one. Because my cousin is not getting any better, in between of drafting information notes, I do steal time during my work to do my research online. Colleagues have noticed me leaving work promptly and always in a rushed fashion and have enquired, which I have no choice but to answer truthfully because I can’t craft a good answer. Friends whom I’ve been neglecting to spend time with, I now must take time out during my non-working hours to support as they celebrate new milestones in their lives. I even have an impending 2-week trip overseas with my colleague, which I have not lifted a finger to help plan for yet.

To continue celebrating living when loved ones are dying…it’s a strange place to be in.